Well, I had run less than 1K when my knee flared up. It had been fine til I started to run up some hills and then I got a bit of a twinge. Ignored it and then a couple of minutes later got a bigger twinge so, at that point, I shut her down and just hiked back.
In retrospect, this kind of mirrors last year at this time. I'd finished hiking and reverted to trail-running but found I had to build back up, almost from zero. So maybe I'll do this again. It WAS a little disappointing because my knee was feeling almost completely back to normal. Apparently, though, it isn't. What is different about this year, however, is that I now have some physio behind me and perhaps can return to doing some of the exercises and knee-taping I had been doing. Disappointing but then all I need do is remind myself that I know people who can't even walk and who would love to have a twinging knee!