Friday, January 3, 2014

Part of what motivates me

   Today marked the sixth day in a row I've either gone for a run or headed to the gym. Now, you need to understand that this is somewhat unheard of in my life. I've gone through periods where I've run on a pretty regular schedule but I've never really included any form of cross-training at the same time.
   New stuff always scares me a touch and when I decided on the run one day/cross-train the next schedule I was a little apprehensive as to my ability to keep at it. Most of the apprehension centred around the gym component--I've never been a gym-goer before and wasn't sure how I would like it.
   Well...I like it!
   Doralyn and I have been to the gym three days out of the last six and I have used her as a little bit of motivation to keep me going. There was once or twice when I looked over at her and asked, "So...we going to the gym today?" Her answer invariably was "Well, we really should, don't you think?" And then we go. If she had replied any differently, we might not have. So kudos to my cutie!
   At the Goodlife Fitness we attend, there is a double row of machines down the center of the gym floor which basically separates the cardio machines from the free weight area. These are the machines I use.
   They are part of what Goodlife calls its 20-Minute Fit Fix and are designed to very quickly run you through most of your major muscle groups. Right at the moment, this is what I'm mainly interested in. Particularly, I'm mostly interested in increasing my upper body strength. This has always been a bit of a weak point with me, especially when it comes to sports. My legs have always gotten me to where I needed to go with plenty of time to spare but, when I got there, I didn't have the upper body strength I needed to help complete the task at hand. Well, that's gonna change.

Me, on the ball hockey floor.
   One of my resolutions for the New Year is to get back to playing ball hockey, this along with a couple of other running ones. I've now gone a whole year without playing and I'm itching to get back at it. I haven't been playing primarily due to last year's bout of PF which has now healed forever (right?) and I can think of no reason not to play anymore. Part of the problem, though, is finding a team that's willing to take on a 61-year-old. I've been playing in a league of 20-and 30-year-olds and it's a bit of a hard sell; unless you have some history with a team, then its players kind of look at you and more or less write you off, at first glance. So I really need to be in better shape!
   As I mentioned above, I'm liking the gym. I'm liking it so much that I'm going to miss it tomorrow, due to it being a run day. Hmmm....could I possibly do both?


  1. I definitely feel better when I cross-train. I have no upper body strength even though I can do 40 push-ups in a row. Yoga helps, but I need to do some lifting.

    1. For the moment, at least, Stephani, I'm enjoying both and, if nothing else, it eliminates those days where I'm at loose ends. Forty pushups in a row? You rock!

  2. For the longest time I was just a runner. I would forego the gym for the pavement. I'm starting to realize that cross training is a must. I say yes you can do both!

  3. You could definitely do both! :) Good luck finding a new ball hockey team.
