Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baby Steps

   Today, I ran a kilometer.

Just imagine these...
   Yes, a whole freakin' kilometer. I visit running blogs all the time and hear stories about the latest marathon somebody ran or how somebody was gearing up for a 20k training run or how someone's shoes had just reached six hundred miles and it makes my piddly little 1k sound like why the hell is he even mentioning this?
   Well, I mention this because in my tiny little corner of the running world, running at all is big news. Today, I didn't even run a kilometer all at once, I actually broke it up in to half k sections, while out on a 5k trail walk. I walked as far as Warbler Woods and then about another kilometer into it. At this point, I ran half a k. I went back to walking until I reached 3 and a half k and at that point I ran for a final half k. The rest of the way, I walked.
...with these on!
   Yep, these are baby steps. I feel like I could be doing more but the p-fash has me so freaked out these days that I am erring on the side of caution, for sure. Right at the moment, I have no race scheduled and therefore no real reason to take things any more quickly than I have been. It's a great pleasure just to be running at all, even if only half a k at a time.
   My plan is to continue to mix the walking with the running but to very gradually increase the running by about half a k per week. Doing it this way, I figure I can get out pretty well every day. At the slightest sign of regression, I can cut back a touch.
   I would love to have more to write about than just my little baby steps here in London, Ontario, Canada but that's where I'm at these days and, as long as I'm moving forward, I'm good!
   In the meantime, happy and healthy running to you all!

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